Treatment pricing:
• Shiatsu treatment on the massage table (around 1 hour) • € 69
• First Shiatsu treatment with intake (around 1h15) • € 79
• Shiatsu Namikoshi complete Basic Technique on the futon(around 90 minutes) • € 99
• Shiatsu on the chair (around 20 minutes) • € 25
Treatments are available only by appointment at Yoga Utrecht (Oudegracht 243) on the following days:
Thursday 9:00 – 14:00
Friday 9:00 – 12.30
You can book a treatment through a message or phone call on my mobile, or sending me an e-mail.

For a good treatment, it is necessary that I, as your treating therapist, create a file. That is also a legal obligation imposed by the WGBO (Dutch Medical Treatment Contracts Act).
Your file contains notes about your state of health and information about the examinations and treatments.
In addition, the file contains information that is necessary for your treatment and that I, after your explicit permission, could eventually request from another care provider, for example from the general practitioner.
I do my best to ensure your privacy. That means, among other things, that I:
– Handle your personal and medical information with care
– Make sure that unauthorized persons do not gain access to your data
As your treating therapist, I alone have access to the data in your file. I have a legal duty of confidentiality (security and secrecy of patient records).
The data from your file can also be used for the following purposes:
– To inform other healthcare providers, for example when the therapy has been completed or when a referral to another therapist is made. This only happens with your explicit permission
– To use for observation, in my absence
– For the anonymized use during peer reviews
– A small part of the data from your file is used for financial administration so that I can draw up an invoice
– If I want to use your data for any other reason, I will first inform you and explicitly ask for your permission
This data in the client file is kept for 20 years, as required by the treatment agreement law.
The invoice you receive contains the following information that is requested by the health insurer so that you can declare it to your health insurer:
– Your name, address and place of residence
– Your date of birth
– The date of the treatment
– A short description of the treatment, such as “(24102) Shiatsu treatment”
– The cost of the consultation
The rights and obligations of client and therapist are, among other things, laid down in the Dutch Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO).
I am obliged to inform you as well and as clearly as possible in all phases of your treatment.
As a client, you must provide me with all relevant information and provide your cooperation, which are reasonably necessary for proper treatment.
I am not allowed to perform a treatment on you without your permission.
In case of need to change or cancel your appointment, I kindly ask you to do so at least 24 hours in advance.
If you do not show up for an appointment or if an appointment is canceled or rescheduled too late, the full costs of the reserved time will be charged.
You will then receive an invoice that cannot be claimed from your health insurer.
In the event of misunderstandings about the correct date or time, the appointment as stated on the appointment card or in the confirmation email will be decisive.
If due to circumstances I am unable to keep my appointment with you, I will try to schedule a new appointment for you as soon as possible.
Depending on the schedule, late appointments may not receive the full session. Full payment will be required for the original time booked.
The treatment/massage is strictly non-sexual.
It is important to communicate any situation of discomfort that you as a client may eventually feel, in any moment of the treatment.
Indeed, overtly intimate/sexual areas of the body are not going to be touched or treated.
If the client pressed interest in sexual massage, the therapist will terminate the massage immediately and full payment will be required for the booking.
According to the Dutch Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO), the following applies to minors:
– Children under the age of 12: the consent from both parents with authority/guardians is required. The child’s consent is not required, but the child does have a right to information
– Minors aged 12 to 16: the consent from both parents with authority/guardians, and of the minor is required. If a minor doesn’t want to be treated, the treatment will not be performed
– From the age of 16 the person can make their own decisions and have an independent right to information
Parent(s) of minors up to the age of 16 have co-decision rights regarding the treatment.
Parent(s) have the right to information and access to the file, when this is linked to the co-decision right for the treatment.
Prior to treatment of a minor, the form must first be signed by the parents/guardians and, if aged 12 to 16, the young person himself.
Since January 1st 2017, all healthcare providers in the Netherlands must comply with new legal requirements (Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act – WKKGZ).
During treatment, I always do everything I can to help you as best as possible.
However, it is possible that you, as a client of my practice, have a complaint about the care provided.
Of course, I am very sorry that that happened.
My preference is that you discuss this complaint directly with me to see if we can find a solution together.
If for whatever reason, you do not like that, or the conversation does not have the desired result for you, I offer you the use of an independent complaints officer free of charge.
There is a legal term of a maximum of 6 weeks for that.
You can contact the GAT geschillen (follow the link).
According to the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz), a healthcare provider is the first person to make an effort to resolve a conflict with a patient/client.
It is best if the therapist and the complainant can get rid of the problem that has arisen together.
There is a legal term of 6 weeks.
If you cannot resolve it together with your therapist, or if communication is no longer possible, the complaints officer can be contacted during this first period.
“Ik val als CAT-therapeut onder GAT-Wkkgz klachtrecht en GAT-tuchtrecht bij de Geschilleninstantie Alternatieve Therapeuten (GAT). Voor meer informatie over mijn klachtenregeling zie:“